IWD Campaign

International Women's Day

Image 1 : GAIAS | WAO Cheque Giving at WAO's headquarter
We've raised RM10,000 for WAO🎉
In our last International Women's Day event, we are having storewide promotion for the period of 3rd - 15th March. In order to promote promote women’s right💪, stop violence against women✋🏻 and uphold gender equality, 5% of the sales revenue during the period was collected and donated to Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) for them to end violence against women & children!
In 20th April 2022, our team had successfully handover the funds to the WAO at their headquarter. This donation will be able to support women and children in WAO during the endemic with food supplies, essential supplies, COVID-19 support services such as transportation to police station, hospital, refuge and other essential needs during this period!
Lastly, we hope our little effort will help them get through their difficult time and we hope people may giving more attention to this organisation and help the people who are suffer with domestic violence. We GAIAS Team
will always conduct more similar event like
this with a purpose of helping and giving
contribution to the society.
See you guys in next event!

We asked members of our customers what international Women's Day means to them- here's what they said!

International Women's Day Campaign

Image 1 : GAIAS | WAO Cheque Giving at WAO's headquarter
We've raised RM10,000 for WAO🎉
In our last International Women's Day event, we are having storewide promotion for the period of 3rd - 15th March. In order to promote promote women’s right💪, stop violence against women✋🏻 and uphold gender equality, 5% of the sales revenue during the period was collected and donated to Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) for them to end violence against women & children!
In 20th April 2022, our team had successfully handover the funds to the WAO at their headquarter. This donation will be able to support women and children in WAO during the endemic with food supplies, essential supplies, COVID-19 support services such as transportation to police station, hospital, refuge and other essential needs during this period!
Lastly, we hope our little effort will help them get through their difficult time and we hope people may giving more attention to this organisation and help the people who are suffer with domestic violence. We GAIAS Team will always conduct more similar event like this with a purpose of helping and giving contribution to the society. See you guys in next event!

We asked members of our customers
what international Women's Day means to them- here's what they said!